Client Resources | The Providence Center In Rhode Island (2024)

Client Resources

As a client, you are in the driver’s seat of your own treatment plan. Our staff works to help you reach your goals and acquire the tools you will need to maintain long-term recovery.

You’ll find everything you need to reach your goals at The Providence Center, from on-site primary care to support services to connections to resources in the community.

Request an Appointment

To request an appointment, please call our Intake Department at (401) 276-4020.

This practice serves all clients regardless of ability to pay. Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income.

Contact Us


Client Information & Education

Information About Your First Appointment

We’re grateful that you’ve chose The Providence Center as your partner on your journey to health. Read more here about what to expect when you first come to The Providence Center.

For first appointments, call 401-276-4020. Our admissions specialists are available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. If you have an emergency mental health or substance abuse situation, please call 911 or visit a hospital emergency department.

When you call for a first appointment, you will speak to an admissions specialist who will ask questions to gather the information that will help us better serve you:

  • Your name, address, telephone number, and date of birth.
  • The name of your insurance provider and your insurance ID number.
  • Your current symptoms.
  • What, if any, treatments you have had in the past.
  • If you are taking medication currently.
  • To ensure that you receive the most appropriate and best course of care, you will also be asked whether you have had any history of substance abuse.

An intake specialist will then schedule an appointment for you with our Access Center for an assessment. Your initial assessment will be conducted by a licensed clinician who will determine an appropriate placement for you. You will be given an appointment and provided with information about the program and services you will be receiving.

If you are 17 years old or younger, your parent or legal guardian will need to call for an appointment for an initial assessment with Child and Family Services.

Important message about inquiries:

If you would like to contact The Providence Center, please understand that we are unable to provide clinical advice, referrals, or appointments over this website. We will make every effort to route your message to the proper department or provide a response within two business days. Please understand that we are responsible to follow all state and federal confidentiality laws and therefore require individual authorization to discuss the treatment of persons we serve.

Insurance Information

We accept the following insurances. Please call 401-276-4020 for information on the services covered by each plan.

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of RI
  • United Healthcare
  • Neighborhood Health Plan of RI
  • Tufts
  • Aetna
  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • MHN/TriCare
  • Magellan
  • Value Options
No Refusal of Services Policy and Sliding Fee Application
  • The purpose of the No Refusal of Services Policy is to ensure that no individuals are denied services due to the inability to pay and that individuals are aware of our discount fee schedule. Requests for discounted services may be made by clients, family members, social services staff, or others who are aware of existing financial hardship. Click here for the Sliding Fee Discount Program Patient Application.
  • The purpose of the No Refusal of Services Policy is to ensure that no individuals are denied services due to the inability to pay and that individuals are aware of our discount fee schedule. Click here to view the No Refusal of Services Policy.
Human Rights Officer

The Providence Center Human Rights Officer is available to assist clients who believe their rights have beenviolated orwho have concerns regarding treatment and other services provided by The Providence Center. To contact, please call: (401) 276-4033

Disability Clinic

The Providence Center partners withThe Law Firm of Marasco & Nesselbush, New England’s trusted Social Security disability law firm, to help our clients who qualify obtain the disability benefits they need and deserve.

Services provided by Marasco & Nesselbush through The Providence Center’s Disability Clinic include:

  • Thorough evaluation of SSI or SSDI claim
  • Acting as liaison with Social Security Administration
  • Helping clients complete paperwork
  • Obtaining all medical documentation and applications
  • Preparing clients for Social Security hearings

Representatives from The Law Firm of Marasco & Nesselbush, LLP, meet with Providence Center clients through the Disability Clinic. Consultations may take place at both the Providence Center’s 530 North Main Street location and the Crisis Stabilization Unit. Case managers, clinicians or psychiatrists may call Marasco & Nesselbush at 401-274-7400 to schedule an appointment for their clients.

Let's Talk: Suicide Prevention

Let’s face it, suicide is a very difficult topic. This is why it’s so important to bring the discussion of suicide into the open. The more we can talk about something, the easier those discussions become.

Learn More >>

Community Resources

​It’s important to know where to go for more information or support in our community. The Providence Center has strong partnerships with many local organizations that provide additional services to help you and your family live well.

Local Resources:

Warm Line

The Providence Center, in conjunction with Mental Health Corporations of America/OASIS, operates a WARM line to provide support and assistance to Providence Center clients experiencing mental health problems. The WARM line is staffed by peer specialists. Providence Center clients may reach the WARM line by calling 401-529-7900.

Consumer Advocacy Council

The goal of all of The Providence Center services is to provide clients with the tools they need to lead meaningful, empowered lives. For many of our clients that means giving back to the community. In addition to providing a forum for TPC clients to advocate for themselves and their peers in the larger community, the Consumer Advocacy Council has the important role of representing TPC clients within our organizational structure.

Client Rights And Responsibilities

The Providence Center Mission

To help adults and children affected by psychiatric illnesses, emotional problems, and addictions by providing treatment and supportive services within a community setting.

The Providence Center Vision

A behavioral health care system in which every individual who needs care will receive the broadest possible array of services, so that his or her unique needs are met.

Client Rights and Responsibilities Agreement

You have certain important rights guaranteed to you as a client of The Providence Center which we want you and/or your parents or guardian to know, understand, and exercise. These rights include:

Equal Treatment

  • The right to be treated without regard to race, religion, gender, sex, age, marital status, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, developmental disabilities, or mental or physical handicap.
  • The right to have access to translated materials or translators who can assist you if English is not your first language.
  • The right to be provided treatment and services in an environment free of abuse, neglect, financial exploitation, humiliation, or any other human rights violation.
  • The right to access self-help, advocacy, and legal services.
  • The right to be protected from coercion.

Confidentiality and Privacy

  • The right to privacy, security, and confidentiality of your identity, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment.
  • The right to have the entire staff keep your identity, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment confidential.
  • The right to be treated respectfully regarding your privacy.
  • The right to understand how your Protected Health Information (PHI) is disclosed for purposes of treatment, payment, and health care operations (these types of disclosures are further defined in the Notice of Privacy Practices, which is provided to you along with this document).
  • The right to the confidentiality of your medical records and source of payment for services (except as otherwise noted in the Notice of Privacy Practices).
  • The right to require your consent for the use of tape recordings, videotapes, and/or photographs of you, and to be informed of their purpose and how they will be used.
  • The right to provide or refuse authorization for family members or others to participate in your treatment or for the release of confidential information to family members or others.
  • The right to access your medical records in compliance with applicable state and federal laws in sufficient time to make decisions regarding your care.
  • The right to be given information regarding your pertinent legal rights relative to the Representative Payee Program, when applicable.
  • The right to enroll in the Rhode Island Healthcare Information Exchange.

Treatment with Dignity

  • The right to be treated with respect for your personal dignity.
  • The right to receive safe and considerate treatment in the least restrictive environment.
  • The right to refuse to participate in any research study without losing treatment services.
  • The right to exercise your rights as a client of The Providence Center without fear of adverse consequences.
  • The right to refuse to perform services for The Providence Center in place of paying for treatment fees, unless this is an agreed-upon part of your treatment plan.

Service by Qualified Staff

  • The right to have qualified, competent staff supervise and provide you with services.
  • The right to be provided, upon request, information about the credentials, training, professional experience, and specialization of your providers and their supervisors.
  • The right to obtain the Center’s Code of Ethics, upon request.

Information about Treatment and Medications

  • The right to be informed of interventions, services, treatment, and medication in a language you understand.
  • The right to have the opportunity to ask questions about your rights.
  • The right to be given the name, professional qualifications, and position of the staff member responsible for your care, as well as their supervisor’s name.
  • The right to be informed in advance if there is a change in your primary therapist.
  • The right to be informed of what to expect when you receive treatment.
  • The right to be told about the risks, benefits, and side effects of any proposed medications, interventions, services, or treatment.
  • The right to refuse any treatment or medication to the extent permitted by law, and to be informed of the likely results of your refusal.
  • The right to be informed in advance if you are to be transferred to a different treatment program, and the right to be given an explanation for these changes.
  • The right to receive a copy of the patient brochure, which contains program rules, services provided, clients’ rights, and other important information.
  • The right to receive the following information during orientation and upon verbal or written request:
    • Accreditation status of The Providence Center
    • Discharge policies
    • Areas of treatment specializations at The Providence Center
    • Hours of operation
    • Emergency contact procedures
    • Procedures for resolving concerns and complaints
    • General services provided by The Providence Center
  • The right to be informed of your rights during orientation to The Providence Center, whenever the Center makes a change in the rights statement, and upon verbal or written request.
  • The right to be informed about the use of a seclusion or restraint for an emergency situation only and when less restrictive measures have been attempted and failed.
  • The right to be informed about, and to participate in, decisions regarding your treatment and services and to receive the information necessary for you to make informed decisions, including:
    • Your current diagnosis
    • The limitations of confidentiality
    • Projected discharge date and plan
    • Potential risks if treatment is not provided
    • Ongoing review of your treatment goals, and mutually agreed upon adjustments of the treatment or service plan
  • The right to object to any changes in treatment, services, or personnel, and the right to a clear and written explanation if such an objection cannot be accommodated.
  • The right to be referred to an alternate service, program, or treatment setting if you would be better served at a different level of care.
  • The right to screening for pain management, with a referral to your health care provider if appropriate.

The right to call The Providence Center’s Emergency Services at (401) 274-7111 should I experience an acute psychiatric emergency.

Participation in Your Treatment Plan

  • The right to participate in the development of your treatment plan and to receive treatment accordingly.
  • The right to request a change of provider, clinician, or service, and if the request is denied, the right to receive a written explanation.
  • The right to be informed of the cost of services, the source of the Center’s reimbursem*nt, and any limitations placed on my treatment.
  • The right to have your treatment plan reviewed and updated periodically.
  • The right to review your medical records with your primary therapist and/or to request a review of your treatment plan by another staff member (at no cost) or by an outside consultant (at your expense).
  • The right to be informed of relevant alternative medications, treatment, services, or interventions when appropriate.
  • The right to participate in planning aftercare activities and referrals to other community services such as spiritual services that may help in recovery or improvement.
  • The right to provide feedback on The Providence Center program policies and services through satisfaction surveys.
  • The right to be provided, upon request, information regarding charges billed to and payments made by an insurance company on my behalf.
  • The right to withdraw, at any time, your agreement to an element, or to all elements, in a behavioral management agreement or plan, and to be advised of the potential risk and impact on your treatment process.

Client Responsibilities

Your responsibilities as a client are to:

  • Participate in treatment planning.
  • Come to sessions in an alcohol and drug free condition.
  • Pay copays and any fees that you have agreed to per your signature on the Client Fee Agreement.
  • Respect the privacy of other clients of The Providence Center.
  • Attend all appointments or give adequate prior notice of cancellation.
  • If you miss two or more appointments in outpatient programs within a six month period, you may be discharged from treatment and will be asked to attend an orientation group prior to returning to treatment.
  • Be familiar with your rights, responsibilities, and treatment.
  • Provide accurate information about yourself that is relevant to your treatment.
  • Comply with the rules of the specific program to which you are assigned.
  • Treat other clients and staff respectfully.
  • Not to bring weapons into any program.
  • Not to use tobacco products at Providence Center facilities.

Concerns/Formal Complaints

You, your family, legal guardian, or advocate have the right to initiate a complaint or grievance if you feel that an agency policy, procedure, or action has infringed upon your rights.

Concern and Complaints Procedure

In the event that you are dissatisfied with any aspect of your treatment or care, you have a right to initiate a complaint by contacting the staff person responsible for your care or by contacting the human rights officer at the facility where you receive care. If you are uncomfortable making a complaint or need assistance with the process, you will be offered a copy of the Concern and Complaint Resolution Procedure or you can make a verbal or written request for a copy from a Providence Center staff member. The staff member providing assistance will make every attempt to resolve the concern.

When it cannot be resolved at this level, it will be considered a formal complaint, and you will be offered assistance in writing and submitting the complaint to the human rights officer and acquiring an advocate, if you prefer. The complaint will be logged by the human rights officer, and within four (4) business days of making a formal complaint, you will receive a written and verbal confirmation of the officer’s receipt of this complaint.

Within five (5) business days or less of the receipt of the complaint, the human rights officer will make an attempt at early resolution. If the problem is not resolved, the officer will investigate the circ*mstances surrounding the complaint, including speaking with people who may have information or knowledge of the situation. The investigation will be completed within 15 days or less from the receipt of the complaint.

If the issue is resolved, a report noting the resolution will be forwarded to the designated department or staff person. If the issue is not resolved, you will be informed of your right to appeal.

If you choose to appeal, you will be reminded of your option to choose an advocate and will be offered assistance with this. You may also contact:

  • RI Department of Behavioral Health, Developmental Disabilities & Hospital (BHDDH) 401-462-3291
  • Office of the Mental Health Advocate:401-462-2003 or 1-800-346-2282
  • Office of the Child Advocate: 401-222-6650
  • Mental Health Consumer Advocates of Rhode Island: 401-831-6937
  • Rhode Island Communities for Addiction Recovery Efforts: 401-521-5759
  • National Alliance for the Mentally Ill: 401-331-3060
  • The Providence Center Consumer Advocacy Council: 401-276-4104
  • Human Rights Officer: 401-276-4033

Commission of the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)CARF International
4891 E. Grant Road
Tucson, AZ 85712, USA
(520) 325-1044 or toll-free (888) 281-6531 voice/TTY
(520) 318-1129 Fax

Client Resources | The Providence Center In Rhode Island (2024)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.