Weight management using a meal replacement strategy: meta and pooling analysis from six studies (2024)


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Weight management using a meal replacement strategy: meta and pooling analysis from six studies (2024)


What is a meal replacement strategy for weight loss? ›

What is a meal replacement weight-loss plan? Partial meal replacement weight-loss plans replace one or two of your regular meals with high-protein, low-carb shakes or bars, helping you reduce calories to lose weight. Of course, simply adding bars or shakes to your current eating plan will not promote weight loss.

What are the 5 strategies in managing weight and fat control? ›

What Are the Main Strategies Used in Weight Management?
  • Eating a Balanced Diet. One of the most important factors in the weight-loss equation is diet. ...
  • Increasing Your Water Intake. ...
  • Getting Adequate Exercise. ...
  • Learning Moderation. ...
  • Getting Enough Quality Sleep. ...
  • Avoiding Alcohol. ...
  • Avoiding Smoking. ...
  • Finding Accountability.

Do meal replacement shakes work for weight loss? ›

Conclusion: High-Protein Meal Replacements Can Be Effective for Weight Loss. In summary, these studies show that meal replacement shakes work better than self-directed weight-loss attempts. While popular diets might work for short-term weight loss, in the long run, adherence will be an issue.

How to use meal replacement shakes? ›

If you're starting with one shake a day, try swapping either your breakfast or lunch. This allows you to control your calorie intake and have two meals to look forward to. Choosing to replace both breakfast and lunch with meal replacement shakes should be followed by a healthy dinner.

What is the best strategy for losing weight? ›

Weight loss: 6 strategies for success
  1. 1. Make sure you're ready. Long-term weight loss takes time and effort. ...
  2. Find your inner drive. No one else can make you lose weight. ...
  3. Set goals you can reach. ...
  4. Enjoy healthy foods. ...
  5. Get active, stay active. ...
  6. Change your mindset.
Jun 22, 2024

What is the best meal replacement for weight loss? ›

Our picks for the best meal replacement shake
  • Best for men: Instant Knockout Complete Meal Replacement.
  • Best for weight loss: Ora Organic So Lean & So Clean.
  • Best for women: SunWarrior Lean Superfood Shake.
  • Best keto: OWYN High Protein Complete Nutrition Shake.
  • Best organic: Orgain Organic Nutrition Shake.
Jun 27, 2024

What is the most successful weight management technique? ›

10 tips for successful weight loss
  1. Eat varied, colorful, nutritionally dense foods. ...
  2. Keep a food and weight diary. ...
  3. Engage in regular physical activity and exercise. ...
  4. Eliminate liquid calories. ...
  5. Measure servings and control portions. ...
  6. Eat mindfully. ...
  7. Stimulus and cue control. ...
  8. Plan ahead.

What is the #1 weight loss pill? ›

Phentermine is the oldest and most widely used weight loss medication. It was originally used as a short-term medication to jump-start weight loss, but now newer medical guidelines have added it to long-term therapy. Some patients may lose about 5% of their body weight by taking phentermine.

Does lemon water help you lose weight? ›

There is no evidence to suggest that lemon water has more benefits for weight loss than plain water. That said, lemon juice is naturally low in calories. Replacing sugary soda with fresh lemon water is a healthful way to reduce calorie intake, which is a positive step toward weight management.

Why am I not losing weight on meal replacement shakes? ›

Since protein has calories, consuming too much can make it harder to lose weight. This can happen if you drink protein shakes along with your usual diet and you're not eating less calories or exercising.

What happens if I only drink meal replacement shakes? ›

Bottom Line: Drinking only meal replacement shakes is safe, provided you are consuming enough calories to lead an active lifestyle. There are few risks, just some unpleasant side effects. It is ultimately a better option only to replace 1-2 meals per day with shakes and create healthy meals for the remaining calories.

Will I lose weight on 2 shakes and 1 meal a day? ›

Meal replacement shakes can help you feel full while consuming fewer calories ( 5 ). Several studies suggest that replacing one or two meals per day with a healthy meal replacement shake may speed up weight loss ( 6 , 7 , 8 ).

Can you eat fruit with meal replacement shakes? ›

Adding fruit and vegetables to your shake will give it a good nutrient boost. A shake with added fruit or vegetables will have higher levels of fibre, carbohydrates, fruit sugars and vitamin C, so one glass is much more nutritionally satisfying than just a plain meal replacement shake.

How to make the perfect meal replacement shake? ›

Take a blender jar and put in 1 ripe peeled and frozen banana, 1 cup plain almond milk, 1 tbsp plain almond butter and 1 tbsp chia seeds. Blend the ingredients until the shake is ready and serve immediately. You can also add cinnamon powder, matcha powder, cacao powder etc.

How much weight will I lose on 3 shakes a day? ›

Protein shakes alone will not help you lose weight. You need to reduce your overall calorie intake. So, if you consume 500 calories from protein shakes and reduce your other food intake by 500 calories, you will lose 2 pounds in a week.

What is the most effective meal schedule for weight loss? ›

1: Make breakfast your biggest meal of the day. Make lunch mid-size and dinner the smallest. 2: Eat dinner four hours before bedtime, rather than right before bedtime. 3: Eat lunch earlier, and always before 3 p.m.

What is one of the disadvantages of a meal replacement diet? ›

Less nutritious than wholesome healthy meals: lacks natural vitamins, minerals and proteins needed to support body and mind. Can't provide all the antioxidants your body requires. Questionable sustainability when using this diet long term.


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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.