Missile Tanks, Energy Tanks, and Power Suit Upgrade Locations - Metroid Prime Guide - IGN (2024)


Kerry Palmer,Peer Schneider,Samuel Claiborn,+1.7k more


In this section we will detail every Power Suit Upgrade you can get. That includes major suit power-ups like the Morph Ball as well as the smaller things like Missile Expansions and Energy Tanks. This page has been designed as a checklist to use along with the Walkthrough delivering you precise locations of everything you desire.

For those looking to 100% the game, See Also: Log Book



How does it work?

First we list the name of the Upgrade. Then we tell you the general location, as there are over five worlds in Metroid Prime. Lastly, we name the specific level location -- this is the room name on the map. You can check off the items you've collected and your progress will be saved for later.

These Suit Upgrades allow you to reach new areas and take on stronger enemies. Their locations

Missile Launcher

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Hive Totem
  • How to get: Defeat the Hive Mecha

Morph Ball

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Ruined Shrine
  • How to get: Defeat the Plated Beetle


Charge Beam

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Watery Hall
  • How to get: Find the five runes

Morph Ball Bombs

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Burn Dome
  • How to get: Defeat the Incinerator Drone

Varia Suit

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Sunchamber
  • How to get: Defeat Flaahgra


Boost Ball

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Phendrana Canyon
  • How to get: Activate platforms

Space Jump Boots

  • Location: Tallon Overworld
  • Room: Alcove
  • How to get: Access Alcove via Tallon Canyon

Wave Beam

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Chapel of Elders
  • How to get: Defeat Sheegoth


Super Missile

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Observatory
  • How to get: Restore power to holographic projector, platform to the very top.

Thermal Visor

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Research Core
  • How to get: Cut power to containment unit

Spider Ball

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Quarantine Cave
  • How to get: Defeat Thardus in Quarantine Cave


Ice Beam

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Antechamber
  • How to get: Drain Reflecting Pool, use as half-pipe.

Gravity Suit

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Gravity Chamber
  • How to get: Located in deepest part of chamber

Power Bomb

  • Location: Phazon Mines
  • Room: Central Dynamo
  • How to get: Defeat invisible drone and solve Morph Ball maze


Grapple Beam

  • Location: Phazon Mines
  • Room: Storage Depot B
  • How to get: Follow yellow track from Ore Processing

Plasma Beam

  • Location: Magmoor Caverns
  • Room: Plasma Processing
  • How to get: Raise the platforms in Geothermal Core, follow Spider Ball track along wall


Phazon Suit

  • Location: Phazon Mines
  • Room: Elite Quarters
  • How to get: Defeat Omega Pirate

The Arm Cannon Upgrades allow you to open new doors and kill new enemies.


  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Tower of Light
  • How to get: Use missiles to shatter weakened brinstone pillars; platform to top of tower


Ice Spreader

  • Location: Magmoor Caverns
  • Room: Shore Tunnel
  • How to get: Set off a Power Bomb to shatter hull; located beneath bridgeway


  • Location: Phazon Mines
  • Room: Security Depot A
  • How to get: Locate bendezium grating on top floor of Mine Security Station, set Power Bomb, and unlock force field

Energy Tanks expand your life bar by 100 points each. There are 14 total Energy Tanks in Metroid Prime.


Energy Tank 1

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Transport Access North
  • How to get: -

Energy Tank 2

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Furnace
  • How to get: Use the West Furnace Access

Energy Tank 3

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Main Plaza
  • How to get: High on ledge. Use Plaza Access from Vault


Energy Tank 4

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Ruined Courtyard
  • How to get: Use spinners to activate Morph Ball slot. Bomb slot to fill room with water. Located direclty across floating platforms down angled tunnel

Energy Tank 5

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Research Lab Aether
  • How to get: Hidden in same stasis containment as Metroids. Use missile to blast glass open

Energy Tank 6

  • Location: Magmoor Caverns
  • Room: Transport Tunnel A
  • How to get: Requires 3 back-to-back Morph Ball Double Jumps, from right to left, to reach the top of the tunnel. Recommended to try this after recently saving, can be fatal.


Energy Tank 7

  • Location: Magmoor Caverns
  • Room: Magmoor Workstation
  • How to get: Use Thermal Visor to send power to cooling machine. Located behind purple passage (North)

Energy Tank 8

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Hall of Elders
  • How to get: Activate Ice Beam Morph Ball slot behind Chozo elder. Path leads underground

Energy Tank 9

  • Location: Tallon Overworld
  • Room: Cargo Freight Lift to Deck Gamma
  • How to get: Use Charge Beam to open the door to the lift


Energy Tank 10

  • Location: Tallon Overworld
  • Room: Hydro Access Tunnel
  • How to get: Use bombs to propel yourself high in vertical shaft

Energy Tank 11

  • Location: Phazon Mines
  • Room: Ventilation Shaft
  • How to get: Super Bomb bendezium vent, roll through tunnel, scan to activate fans


Energy Tank 12

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Training Chamber
  • How to get: Use half-pipe to reach Morph Ball slots, send power to elevator, and follow Spider Ball track

Energy Tank 13

  • Location: Phazon Mines
  • Room: Processing Center Access
  • How to get: Defeat Omega Pirate, exit second level

Energy Tank 14

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Transport Access
  • How to get: Blast wall of ice with Plasma Beam to melt


Missile Tanks expand your missile capacity by 5 missiles. There are 49 upgrades in addition to your default 5 missiles, meaning you can carry 250 missiles total when maxed out.

Missile Tank 1

  • Location: Tallon Overworld
  • Room: Landing Site
  • How to get: Behind ship in small tunnel filled with Tangle Weed

Missile Tank 2

  • Location: Tallon Overworld
  • Room: Transport Tunnel B
  • How to get: Located under stone walkway; dust and steam pour out from beneath


Missile Tank 3

  • Location: Tallon Overworld
  • Room: Overgrown Cavern
  • How to get: Located in Morph Ball size tunnel amidst Venom Weed

Missile Tank 4

  • Location: Tallon Overworld
  • Room: Frigate Crash Site
  • How to get: With Gravity Suit, double-jump into submerged cave

Missile Tank 5

  • Location: Tallon Overworld
  • Room: Biohazard Containment
  • How to get: Use Super Missile to blast weakened cordite containment door in submerged lower level


Missile Tank 6

  • Location: Tallon Overworld
  • Room: Great Tree Chamber
  • How to get: Use X-Ray visor in Great Tree Hall; door located behind tree

Missile Tank 7

  • Location: Tallon Overworld
  • Room: Life Grove Tunnel
  • How to get: Use half-pipe in Morph Ball tunnel entrance and set bomb at top

Missile Tank 8

  • Location: Tallon Overworld
  • Room: Root Cave
  • How to get: Use X-Ray Visor to jump to very top; look left when facing Plasma Beam door to see it located behind wall of foliage


Missile Tank 9

  • Location: Tallon Overworld
  • Room: Arbor Chamber
  • How to get: Plasma Door located at top of Root Cave; use X-Ray to reveal platforms

Missile Tank 10

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Main Plaza
  • How to get: Use half-pipe. Located under bridge on small shelf

Missile Tank 11

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Main Plaza
  • How to get: Exit Training Chamber; use ledge and grapple point to swing over to power-up


Missile Tank 12

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Main Plaza
  • How to get: Tree knot can be shattered with Super Missile

Missile Tank 13

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Ruined Nursery
  • How to get: Solve Morph Ball puzzle in wall

Missile Tank 14

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Ruined Gallery
  • How to get: Behind Brinstone wall, destroy with Missile


Missile Tank 15

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Ruined Gallery
  • How to get: Use Morph Ball tunnel that loops in half-circle

Missile Tank 16

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Watery Hall Access
  • How to get: Behind Brinstone wall, destroy with Missile

Missile Tank 17

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Watery Hall
  • How to get: With the Gravity Suit, locate a cave underwater and double jump to get it


Missile Tank 18

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Dynamo
  • How to get: Blast weakened metal grating with missiles.

Missile Tank 19

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Dynamo
  • How to get: Use Spider Ball track to access inlet above

Missile Tank 20

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Burn Dome
  • How to get: Bomb through Sandstone to reveal Morph Ball path


Missile Tank 21

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Vault
  • How to get: Solve the puzzle of the cage by using the double bomb jump

Missile Tank 22

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Ruined Fountain
  • How to get: Use clean water from fountain to blast upward and connect to Spider Ball track

Missile Tank 23

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Gathering Hall
  • How to get: Platform to top of room. Located behind sandstone wall above East Atrium access. Jump on red lights, then double jump


Missile Tank 24

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Crossway
  • How to get: Activate network of pipes by shooting through cordite. Use half-pipe to activate Morph Ball slots.

Missile Tank 25

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Ruined Shrine
  • How to get: Sandstone weakness in floor; blast with Morph Ball bomb

Missile Tank 26

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Ruined Shrine
  • How to get: Boost out of half-pipe structure (Note: both sides have Morph Ball tunnels)


Missile Tank 27

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Furnace
  • How to get: Set Power Bomb to reveal half-pipe; boost up to Spider Ball track and follow

Missile Tank 28

  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Training Chamber Access
  • How to get: Morph Ball tunnel hidden behind red leaves

Missile Tank 29

  • Location: Magmoor Caverns
  • Room: Storage Cavern
  • How to get: Access from Triclops Pit, roll under grating


Missile Tank 30

  • Location: Magmoor Caverns
  • Room: Triclops Pit
  • How to get: Locate invisible platforms with X-Ray Visor, follow to column, shatter with Super Missile

Missile Tank 31

  • Location: Magmoor Caverns
  • Room: Fiery Shores
  • How to get: Bomb crates to reveal path. Located high up on elevated grating

Missile Tank 32

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Phendrana Shorelines
  • How to get: Use Super Missile to blast cordite shield on front of temple; Spider Ball track revealed


Missile Tank 33

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Phendrana Shorelines
  • How to get: Behind sheet of ice on a boulder near the door to Ice Ruins Access. Melt the ice with the Plasma Beam

Missile Tank 34

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Ice Ruins East
  • How to get: There is a Spider Ball track on the wall of a tall building

Missile Tank 35

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Ice Ruins East
  • How to get: Behind sheet of ice on the wall near the door to Plaza Walkway. Melt the ice with the Plasma Beam


Missile Tank 36

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Research Lab Hydra
  • How to get: Use Super Missile to blast weakened cordite pillar on top floor

Missile Tank 37

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Research Lab Aether
  • How to get: Jump on piping, roll in Morph Ball form to access

Missile Tank 38

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Quarantine Monitor
  • How to get: Use grapple points in Quarantine Cave


Missile Tank 39

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Frost Cave
  • How to get: Located under ice-covered lake; use Glider to swing to elevated ledges and blast stalactite hanging above, sending it crashing down below

Missile Tank 40

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Gravity Chamber
  • How to get: Shatter large grouping of stalactites with Plasma Beam to reveal grapple point; swing to expansion located on elevated ledge

Missile Tank 41

  • Location: Phazon Mines
  • Room: Main Quarry
  • How to get: Activate crane controls with Wave Beam at power conduit, scan controls to change crane's position, and use Spider Ball track


Missile Tank 42

  • Location: Phazon Mines
  • Room: Security Access A
  • How to get: Weakened grating made of bendezium near entrance

Missile Tank 43

  • Location: Phazon Mines
  • Room: Elite Research
  • How to get: Use Industrual Pulse Beam gun to blast through wall with 8% integrity

Missile Tank 44

  • Location: Phazon Mines
  • Room: Elite Control Access
  • How to get: Shoot explosive crate in ventilation shaft, use Thermal Visor to locate better


Missile Tank 45

  • Location: Phazon Mines
  • Room: Phazon Processing Center
  • How to get: Behind wall on the opposite side of the Transport to Magmoor Caverns South. Use X-Ray to see it and Power Bomb to break the wall

Missile Tank 46

  • Location: Phazon Mines
  • Room: Metroid Quarantine A
  • How to get: Stand next to the two diagonally parallel Spider Ball tracks; flip on X-Ray Visor to scan nearby rock wall; Power Bomb two walls successively; follow Spider Ball bridge and use X-Ray visor to locate last platform

Missile Tank 47

  • Location: Phazon Mines
  • Room: Fungal Hall Access
  • How to get: With Phazon Suit, under the giant mushroom at the bottom of the shaft


Missile Tank 48

  • Location: Phazon Mines
  • Room: Fungal Hall B
  • How to get: Located on the ground, beneath door to Quarantine Access B; use Thermal Visor to locate it, visible in a ring of small mushrooms; Power Bomb to uncover

Missile Tank 49

  • Location: Phazon Mines
  • Room: Metroid Quarantine B
  • How to get: Weakened cordite shaft; use Super Missiles to shatter

The late game upgrade the Power Bomb can be expanded with 4 expansions.

Power Bomb Expansion 1


  • Location: Chozo Ruins
  • Room: Magma Pool
  • How to get: Behind Bendezium wall. Use X-Ray to reveal; blast with Power Bombs

Power Bomb Expansion 2

  • Location: Magmoor Caverns
  • Room: Fiery Shores
  • How to get: In Warrior Shrine, there is a Bendezium coveron the floor in front of the statue. Blast it with a Power Bomb and use the tunnel to access a hidden room in Fiery Shores.

Power Bomb Expansion 3

  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Ice Ruins West
  • How to get: Hidden under sheet of ice on rooftop in corner across from Chozo Lore; use Plasma Beam

Power Bomb Expansion 4


  • Location: Phendrana Drifts
  • Room: Security Cave
  • How to get: Use Grapple Beam to arrive at the highest point in Phendrana's Edge

Up Next: Log Book 100% Scan Guide

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  • Walkthrough
  • Missile Tanks, Energy Tanks, and Power Suit Upgrade Locations
  • Log Book 100% Scan Guide
  • Artifact Locations

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Missile Tanks, Energy Tanks, and Power Suit Upgrade Locations - Metroid Prime Guide - IGN (1)

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Missile Tanks, Energy Tanks, and Power Suit Upgrade Locations - Metroid Prime Guide - IGN (2024)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.